Selected work as producer.
Listed details are Brand or Artist, Production Company and Director.
Baby Keem NO SENSE - pgLang / The Lift / CINEBURO
Directed by Savannah Setten
Nike Believe in More - Academy / The Lift
Directed by FKA Twigs
Stoli Manifesto - Bullit / The Lift
Directed by Diego Contreras
Netflix / Narcos / Chadia - DUDE / WhiteLabel Photos
Directed by Iacopo Carapelli
Nike Copa América - Picture Farm / The Lift
Directed by Christopher Anderson
Levi’s First - Pretty Bird / The Lift
Directed by Dori Oskowitz
Wolfenstein II / Leisel - RESET / The Lift
Directed by Markus Walter
Sony - WhiteLabel Photos
Directed by Connor Carroll
Netflix / Narcos / Salmo - Maestro Italy / WhiteLabel Photos
Directed by You Nuts!
Sony - WhiteLabel Photos
Directed by Connor Carroll
Wolfenstein II / Game Show - RESET / The Lift
Directed by Markus Walter
Wolfenstein II / Trust In Brother - RESET / The Lift
Directed by Markus Walter
Wolfenstein II / Trust In Brother - RESET / The Lift
Directed by Markus Walter
PNC - STATION / The Lift
Directed by Lena Beug
CORONA - Wieden+Kennedy / The Lift
Directed by Quentin Van Den Bossche
Directed by Jakob Marky
Copa Coca-Cola - The Lift
Directed by Jonás Cuarón