“Cirque des Rencontres”, is an intercultural amateur circus show made up of a troupe of artists who are mostly of recent immigration to Quebec. Between autumn 2023 to spring 2024, I documented four troupes in two iterations of the show.

This project aims to help immigrants integrate to Quebec by providing a space for them to share their culture while they are simultaneously learning about the local one. A number of locals are in the mix to serve the exchange. Instructors are local as well as bringing established immigrants to the process as trainers and facilitators leading up to the final presentations.

These images speak to me of the processes we go through as immigrants. Landing in a new country presents you with many iterations of the proverbial “Office”, whether it’s online, a huge building or a far away cubicle lost in a sea of hallways. You’ll inevitably feel covered in forms, letters and paperwork and maybe think “How long has this been going on? Feels like forever.” In the end, you shed most of your possessions, keeping only the essentials. After some time you let go of the idea you had of yourself -of your identity- and move on to the next version of it. And possibly -certainly- to the next Office.

Rather than showcasing a show, I prefer candid moments and expressions found on the road to the stage. These provide a view into the process of creation that the troupes went through; I like to think of it as an open ended story.